One day while coming back home from college..i was in d auto and i saw a foreigner with two children- one boy and one girl of age almost 7.... i dont knw y but i had d urge to stick out my tongue to the boy who was on my side and i did....the boy was stunned for two minutes but to make it a game i struck out my tongue again.... the boy caught on wid d game and stuck out his tongue....and like i used to wen i was a child i started sticking out my tongue wen eva his car came parallel to my auto.... and so did he....
The boy had no relationship wid me and we might not even meet me in this life time but the tym we spent sticking tongue at each other was so much fun dat i really felt like a child for dat moment and forgot the world....the worries...the sorrows....everything!!! just me and the child being innocent and loving the moment.
The moment for the child was far more different as he was innocent and enjoyed every part of life widout worries which after u reach my age is difficult to ignore.
But for me it was a childish act of the day...
since i was a child and i got to know how fast i was growing up....
i wished to be peter pan and stay child so that NEVER in our life....i would have to go through the worries and enjoy every moment without any worries..... just play the whole day and be innocent forever!!!
but wat i think and wish can't be true....there is a fine line between fiction and reality which every person who fantasizes would want to break!!!

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