Today I saw the movie legion....well as usual the expectations from the movie was way high...but after I saw the movie I was very disappointed...the only scenes worth watching were already shown in the trailer thus leaving an empty movie for the viewers. btw...the movie was too dark and the special effect had no effect!!
Anyways I still sat through the whole movie thinking it just might get better and it kind of doesn't. The movie was quick up to the point but some facts like:
Fact no.1: why the people inside the diner couldn’t be possessed unlike every human outside.
Fact no.2: when the whole diner is burned down by a small lighter (since the scene doesn't show the gas is open) and the blast was so high that it blasted every possessed person standing outside.
Fact no.3: if Gabrielle could not be killed in the fire then why would he try to run away? If he did, and were scared to die then why didn't he since he was closest to the blast?
Fact no.4: how come the inscriptions were given to Jeep when Michael died? And even if they were thus when Michael returns, why aren't the inscriptions back on Michael? And aren't they supposed to make us understand what the inscriptions say than saying, ask a prophet! Which they don't in this movie.... I see a sequel in the future (damn!)
And there r many other facts which I really cant remember right now but I would love to know that if people make a movie, do they for once look at what they make? If they do, then how do they miss such crucial facts?

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